The Kardashev Scale : Type of the Civilization from 1 -5

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The Kardashev Scale : Type of the Civilization from 1 - 5  

It is the theory renowned by the Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku.

It is used for ranking what are renewable and non-renewable  resources used, population of the world , number of tribes in the world, energy demand , space travel ,E.T. (Extra Terrestrial ) we found what kind of relationship we are having with them , style of food ,growth of Technology are the major factors in the Scale to determine the ranking of civilization.

Type 1 with 10¹⁶W Power Disposal Resource : 

    Type 1 is having the demand for energy to fulfill their needs  they are able to get the resource from their planet and all the nearby planets. In this time humans are able to control all the natural disasters like Tsunami ,Volcanoes Erosion ,Storm,Earthquake and all kinds of disaster. We will have Complete Control of all the energy of earth.

In fact they are able to get the resources from the natural disaster and convert into power. They are also able to create it and stop it ,Which means we are able to control the weather and predict it much easier and  at a very early time. And they have the resource 100,000 times more than their needs. If you are not going to believe , because in the first civilization if they can do this kind of stuff what about others. There is no global warming in this stage; they  are able to control the atmosphere also. They are able to live in all the places on earth including Seas, Antarctica , Himalayas , Mariana Trench etc. 

Type 2 with 10²⁶W Power Disposal Resource :

 Type 2 they are able to get the resource from the star light they can also predict and also able to move the position and movement of the star in the galaxy. And they are able to do interstellar travel within the galaxy. Satellite called the Dyson Swarm will get the energy from the stars it was shown in Star Trek Movies. And Space Tour is very normal in that time on earth. And space travel is affordable to everyone at this time.


They can make fusion to the stars and make it as the weapon to attack others like in the Star Wars movies . In this time humans used all the 90% of resources from the earth. And they can only get the resource from the star. When the sun comes  near to earth we don’t want to reallocate the earth position. We are able to make the Jupiter or Saturn planet to  earth like a living planet. We had a choice to change these things in that time.

They are most Advanced in space travel and they are able to reach more  galaxies. They had an advanced medical science in their hand.


Type 3 with 10³⁶W  Power Disposal Resource :

At this time traveling between the galaxy is very normal and we are able to get energy from all the planets they visit.    And with thousands and thousands of years of human evolution we are able to integrate the human body with the cyborgs(Human + Robot are integrated and life span is very very high in that time).  The regular human is able to cure all kinds of disease by their own and they are able to defeat the dead at this time. And robots and others are highly advanced in this time. They are able to travel more speed then the light.  They are also able to change  the law of physics. They are able to get the energy from all the nearest stars in the galaxy.


And teleportation, Wormhole are kinds of traveling things that are available in this time but it is just a discovery recently in their time. And they are also able to control all the nearby planet organisms by their own power.

Type 4 (10⁴⁶W) Power Disposal Resource (Very Advanced Civilization ):

 In this time they can get all the resources from the whole space and time, And they are able to get the energy from the black hole. And they are able to create the black hole on their own.  They are more powerful and they are able to decide what to happen in the space in their mean time. And they are like kings for all the space. In that time all things done in space were known to all the people in the civilization.



They are able to find the unknown law of physics and they are able to design the physics law by their own. They are supermassive people that each person can own their own planet at this time. And each of them can communicate with all the people in their own space in the meantime.

Their ability is unpredictable, they can  moderate the human body with high-tech technology and each person is able to travel to space by their own without any vehicle.

Type 5 (They can get the All kinds and any Amount of Energy by their Needs):   

It is like god level civilization .Their knowledge and growth is like to control the small movement in the whole space. Traveling between the galaxies is like bus travel. There is no death or no disaster or any other thing will happen in that time, Everything is under control of the people in that time. Space Wars etc are done like small fights.. We cannot predict their abilities; they are the kings of all time.

According to Science Earth Will Become the Type 1 civilization in 200 to 400 Years. At Present We are in Type 0.6 Civilization because we are just using  earth resources now.We are able to get the resource from other stars further.

And this will happen only if we take care of our earth for another

500 years or else we will be destroyed by our own kind. 

No One can able to predict when humanity will reach type 2 

to 5.





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